Attention Virgins: Only Spots* Remain, and we expect SPOTS to be filled by in days! Lose Your Virginity Guaranteed! Apply TODAY! 

if you are anxious around women, feel ashamed and want to lose your v-card...

Let Us Help You Lose Your Virginity in 30 Days AND Help You Start Meeting, Attracting & Dating More Women GUARANTEED...Or You Pay Nothing!

STOP Listening To The BS Dating "GURU's" & Access A Predictable Step-By-Step Dating System To Finally Kill The "Inner Bitch" Keeping You Stuck In Sexual Scarcity & Loneliness ...

Schedule a Confidential
1:1 Call To Find Out More

Our Guarantee: Lose Your Virginity Or Don't Pay

This Is The Craziest Offer We've Made.

And Here's Why We're Making It

In a recent survey of our Platinum Dating System in February, we found the AVERAGE Client saw these improvements in our program:


✅  15 - 20 NEW Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge Matches
✅  7  - 10 NEW Numbers
✅  3 - 5 NEW Dates
✅  1 - 2 Hook Ups

And those are just the AVERAGES
 It also means half our Clients did BETTER
Armed with this information, we put together the best offer we’ve ever made.

We guarantee you will lose your virginity in 30 days and find you a girlfriend in 90 days

Or we'll give you every last cent of your investment back

Oh... and you'll keep all the content, call recordings, and scripts for FREE

All you have to do is be willing to follow a model that’s been proven by 8000+ guys around the world.

Worst case, you get your investment back and learn some cool stuff along the way

Best case, you lose your virginity and find a girlfriend (we’ve done it 200+ times)

To Get Started Access our FREE First Time Fast Track Framework Course

Only 10 8 Spots Available For April's Cohort

Don't Believe Us, Believe Our Clients

What's their secret?
And a proven strategy that's helped over 100+ guys get laid and a girlfriend this year alone.

Apply For First Time Fast Track Now

Only 10 8 Spots Available For April's Cohort

Our Guarantee: Lose Your Virginity Or Don't Pay

⬇️  More About This Opportunity Below ⬇️

From: The desk of John Anthony
Re: The only GUARANTEED way to lose your virginity in 30 days (or less)...


30 days from today, one of two things will happen...

You'll either be a virgin or you won't.

If you leave this page, you will stay as a virgin...

And if you read on you won't.

Here's what's going on...

There is a little known, simple, but powerful method that is now being used by people just like you to lose their virginity and find their dream girlfriend... in as little as 30 days.

It's the same secret that 500+ other virgins have used to lose their v-card after getting zero results using the information in the Redpill, Blackpill, MGTOW, and other self-improvement communities.

My name is John Anthony and I've slept with over 1,600 girls in the past 16 years.

The reason why I told you this wasn't to brag...

It was the only way I could show my credibility, and dedication and time that I've put in to master the game of dating...

And to separate myself from other "dating guru's" who have sold you lies to keep you stuck...

Because I used to be like you...

I struggled with the same exact thing you're struggling with...

  • I told myself that I'm wasn't good looking enough...
  • There was no good women out there...
  • And I'll approach the next one...

Then made excuses because I didn't know...

  • What to do or say when I talk to her...
  • ​What to text her to set up the date...
  • ​What to do or say when I'm on a date...
  • ​How to take her back to my place...
  • How to escalate it to sex...
  • ​How to please her so it's a good experience for me and her...
  • ​And how to keep her around once we hook up...

It took me 5 years to figure all of this out...

10 years to perfect it.

And once I perfected it, I shared this method to other guys and they got amazing results...

Such as Tavion who blamed his looks and shy personality for his non-existent dating life

But in one week he lost his virginity and then slept with 8 girls in 8 weeks with the First Time Fast Track System...

And Antony who was paralyzed from birth And Walked Around In A Wheelchair...

Because of his disability, he didn't have much experience talking to any girl. Before he accepted his disability as the reason why he would never get laid... 

He invested in the First Time Fast Track system and lost his virginity in just 2 days taking home a stripper from a nightclub all by follow the step-by-step process...

And it's worked for 500+ other virgins that were shy, introverted, and terrified to talk women.

This Is The Only Method Where You Can Lose Your Virginity Without Needing To...

  • Change who you are. You can still be shy and introverted AND sleep with attractive girls if you follow the step-by-step system...
  • Do hundreds of approaches. You will get you my 5-word opener that works for any girl that I've used for the past 16 years...
  • ​​Know what to do or say when you're with a girl. You will get my entire conversational system that shows you exactly what to do and say in every scenario when you're with a girl to build interest and desire...
  • Know what to text. You will get my exact texting scripts from start to finish to set up a date...
  • ​Know how to go on a date and bring her to your place. You get my entire dating system that makes her want to come back to you place.
  • Know how to hook up once she's at your place and have amazing sex. You get the entire step-by-step process once she's back at your place to hooking up with AND how to last long & make her want to come back again...
  • Know how to keep her around. You get my retention system which shows you what to say to make her you girlfriend or a girl you date on the side if you so choose... 

All you need to do is to follow a simple step-by-step process, and in 30 days or less, you can literally meet, date, sleep with a girl and lose your virginity.

This method is so powerful that virgins Have lost their v-card on the first night!

That's because they stopped 'winging-it' and started to rely on a strategy that has been tested and optimized by me and 8000+ of my students during the past 16 years.

And once you do that, all you have to do is follow it to get the result that you want.

And in addition to losing their virginity, this little known "dating method" is actually helping guys find their dream girlfriend and build a harem of hot girls they see on the regular...

Because when you use a system, you get repeatable results. 

When you get repeatable results, you get confidence. 

When you get confidence, you get choice.

And what choice gives you is the freedom to create your dream dating life.

Whether you want to find a girlfriend... a wife... or want to just sleep with a lot of girls...

You can have that once you start using this system.

I call this system the First Time Fast Track

Click to expand the image

It is a systematic approach that helps virgins feel more confident and in control in social situations which allows them go on more successful dates leading them to having a number of sexual experiences.

And what's more is that the First Time Fast Track approach shows you exactly how to:

  • Improve your entire self-image and style
  • ​Redesign your dating profile to get the attention of hotter girls
  • Increase your success in getting phone numbers...
  • Setting up dates...
  • ​Sealing the deal...
  • ​And help you connect with women on a deeper level...

So when you find the perfect girl, you'll know exactly what to do to turn her into your girlfriend or a girl you date on the side.

We achieve this by providing you frameworks and scripts that shows you exactly what to do and say for different dating scenarios... 

...such as how to get matches on dating apps with attractive girls, what to text to set up the date, what to do on the date, and how to seal the deal...

...which reduces your anxiety with women and increases your chance of ultimately losing your v-card.

Which Means You Can Lose Your Virginity Without Knowing How To Approach, Talk To Girls, Go On Dates, Bring Her Back At The House, Or Escalate & Have Sex...

And as a result... you break free from all your self-doubts and start taking control of your dating life where you have the skills to meet, date, and sleep with any girl you want.

Here's How It Works

Only 10 Spots Available For April's Cohort

If you Join Today You Will Get These Bonuses Included

Personal Dating Therapist


Get access to our dating psychotherapist who has over 30+ years of experience helping individuals and couples.

Get a personalized treatment plan with included therapy sessions to overcome your anxietyemotional baggage, and other mental blocks so you can overcome anxiety with women and lose your virginity.

Dating Profile Maximizer


We’re going to pair you with a professional high-quality photographer in YOUR area and have the best picture picked by several beautiful women.

After that, we’ll edit those best picks and apply aesthetic upgrades and I’m personally going to write your dating bio so you can attract the exact type of women that you want in your life.

​Just like that, we’ve taken all the guesswork out of online dating so that you can start getting super attractive women interested in you.

Wardrobe & Complete Makeover


Go from being a virgin to looking like a chad and get your look completely redone. 

Our GQ Stylist has over 10+ years of experience and has helped hundreds of our clients boost the number of high-quality online dating matches and change how women act around them just by changing their style, wardrobe, and hairstyle.

Our Guarantee: Lose Your Virginity Or Don't Pay

14 Days from today, one of two things will happen...

You'll either be a virgin or you wont.

If you leave this page, you will be a virgin and if you read on you wont.

Before you decide, I want you to ask yourself...

How many times has this happened to you?

You saw a pretty girl...

She was looking at you, made eye contact with you...

Deep down, you knew she wanted you...

She was close by, looked at you, basically invited you to say hi...

And you did it again...

You Thought About It, Wanted To Do It, Then...

You had that gnawing feeling in your gut...

The butterflies that made you uncomfortable then...

You started questioning yourself....

What's the perfect thing to say?

What do I talk about?

Does she have a boyfriend?

And just when you convince yourself that you'd go up to her and say hi...

You PUSSY Out...

And that's not the 1st time you did it either...

You've been doing it your entire life...

So something has to change...

Either they're going to start approaching you - which we know isn't going to ever happen...

Or you can start approaching them...

You Know What They Say, You Miss Every Shot You Don’t Take…

And my friend…you’ve missed a whole lot of shots…

A lifetime of missed shots…

And the guys who took the shots, got to go home with them…

Got to date them…

Make them their girlfriends and wives…

And you’re sitting on the sidelines, alone…

With a half cup of courage…

But It Doesn't Have To Be This Way...

My name is John Anthony and not only am I going to fill your cup of courage up...

I'm going to give you the whole bottle...

And then give you the keys to the bar...

Because I know how it feels to be in your shoes my friend...

For 20 Years I Struggled With The Same Exact Thing You're Struggling With...

And the excuse?

I'll approach the next one...

I'm not good looking enough...

There's no good women out there...

Until I turned 22 and realized... the only excuse is me so I decided to do something about it.

And What I Also Realized Was I Could Never Be Those Guys...

The guys who were charismatic, outgoing, and social...

That naturally attracted the hot girls.

I was shy and scared that I would run out of things to say...

Make things awkward...

You know those moment of silence where you both look at each other...

And she says "uhhh okay, well it was nice meeting you"...

Yeah I never wanted to be in that situation again...

So I Decided To Find A Better Way...

A way where it didn't rely on me to think on the spot, be somebody who I'm not, and didn't take much time...

After 16 years of approaching over 15,723 women, I created a systematic approach to dating of what to do and say when you're with a girl...

- What to say as soon as you see her... 
- How to move the conversation forward... 
- How to get her interested and give you her phone number...
- How to set up the date...
- How to go on the date and bring her back to seal the deal...

The systematic approach helped me stop overthinking and allowed me to be in control when I was talking to a girl because I always knew what to do next.

This freed me to be myself and helped me create the relationships I wanted instead of watching on the sidelines, seeing other guys take the girls I wanted...

As a Result, I've Been Able To Date And sleep with models, actresses and the hot girls you see on Instagram...

And today you have the opportunity to becoming the man who has this dating life today.

I call this opportunity the First Time Fast Track.

First Time Fast Track Is The New Way To Feel More Confident & In Control In Social Situations Using Frameworks And Scripts That Show You Exactly What To Do And Say In Every Scenario With A Girl

It is a systematic approach that helps virgins feel more confident and in control in social situations which allows them go on more successful dates leading them to having a number of sexual experiences.

And what's more is that the First Time Fast Track approach shows you exactly how to:

  • Attract and keep the attention of attractive women...
  • Increase your success in getting phone numbers...
  • Setting up dates...
  • ​Sealing the deal...
  • ​And help you connect with women on a deeper level...

So when you find the perfect girl, you'll know exactly what to do to turn her into your girlfriend.

We achieve this by providing you frameworks and scripts that shows you exactly what to do and say for different dating scenarios... 

...such as how to get matches on dating apps with attractive girls, what to text to set up the date, what to do on the date, and how to seal the deal...

...which reduces your anxiety with women and increases your chance of ultimately losing your v-card.

And as a result... you break free from all your self-doubts and start taking control of your dating life where you have the skills to meet, date, and sleep with any girl you want.

That's Why First Time Fast Track Is A Shortcut To Losing Your Virginity In 2023

It's not easy to admit...

But it hurts to be alone. 

It's even harder when you feel like you're missing out on something everyone else is experiencing.

You may feel like you're tried everything... but nothing seems to work.

You may feel like you're destined to be alone forever...

Or you're not good enough for anyone... 

But you're not alone in feeling this way.

The truth is, many men struggle with the same fears and doubts that you do. 

They worry about being rejected, being judged, or being unable to find love.

But here's the thing: 

You don't have to let those fears and doubts control you anymore.

First Time Fast Track is more than a quick get-laid program... 

...It's a system designed to help you gain the confidence, skills, and mindset you need to succeed in the dating world - without needing to approach strangers, become outgoing and social, or act like someone you're not...

...Even if you don't have a big social circle or have a lot of time to date.

But this is not for everyone.

I'm sure you know - it's a lot of work for me, time out of my schedule.

The work I do for you…

The support and help…

The training so you can see how this works…

And I can’t believe I’m actually going to do this…

But you deserve every advantage…

Every opportunity…

Even if it costs me my time.

So I’m giving you something that I haven’t ever shown anyone else.

So you have to make me a promise.

Promise to keep this page a secret.

Because there Are Far More People Who Want Help Than I Have Time For...

This is a rare opportunity where you'll have direct access to me, and a small group of others who are using this exact process to meet, date, and sleep with a girl...

And together, we will help you lose your virginity, so you can start getting control back in your dating life as soon as possible...

This is about compressing something that would take you 1 - 5 years if you did it on your own… 

Into the “Shortcut” you need… to start dating and being in a relationship with hotter girls faster than you ever dreamed possible...

And by working together with me one-on-one in a group setting.

And having me walk you through it all, and getting it done… 

You can quickly start seeing the benefits of using a systematic approach for dating...

week after week… for months and years to come… 

But again - this is limited…

Because I only have so much time, and…

I’m Only Looking To Work With People I Feel I Can Get The Best Possible Results For In The Shortest Time…  

… so first, we need to find out if you’re a good fit… 

And to determine if you’re a good fit…

I’d like to have what I call a breakthrough session with you.

To find out what’s holding you back, what you need and what would cause you to move forward…

To have your “breakthrough” in dating.

So, the next step you’ll need to take, is type in your email and schedule a time for a quick phone Breakthrough Session below.

Once You've Scheduled Your Breakthrough Session

Myself or someone from my team, will give you a call on the day and time you chose. 

Over the course of 30 minutes, we’ll dig deep and uncover exactly what you need most, while putting together a plan on how to make it happen for you in the fastest time possible… 

Then at the end of the call, one of two things will happen.

Either you'll be a good fit and you’ll be invited to work with me to become our next success story… 

Or, you won’t be a good fit, that's okay too…   

Unfortunately the reality is, there are some people we just can’t help… and if that's the case, we will be completely transparent with you, and I’ll be happy to give you advice on what to do in your current dating situation.… 

Either way, you’ll wind up at the end of the call with crystal clear vision on how to meet, date, and sleep with a girl to lose your virginity.

But I can tell you with full confidence 

This 30 Minute Session Alone Will Be Massively Valuable - No Matter Where You Are Right Now…

Choose a time that works for you below… 

Make sure it’s a time where you’ll be able to focus 100% … so you can get the most value possible… 

After you type in your email and select your time, you’ll be immediately redirected to a page with a few quick questions.

But please understand…the opportunity to have my personal help with implementing this proven system won’t be available for long. 

In order to give you the personalized attention you deserve, I can only accept a small number of people at a time… 

So, go ahead and pick a time for your Breakthrough session to see if you qualify.

I’ll talk to you soon!

John Anthony

P.S. We guarantee that you'll lose your virginity in 30 days and find a girlfriend in 90 days guaranteed... Or you pay nothing. Find out more details on the call

P.P.S. I will see you on the call. I can't wait to talk to you. Don't miss the call. If you need to reschedule, but don't be a no show because I don't reschedule with no shows. 

P.P.P.S. Get in a quiet place on the call. Make sure that it's quiet and have something to take notes with, because I'm going to be going over everything you’ll need to do this. I look forward to helping you.

Fill In Your Email And Schedule Your Breakthrough Session Now

Only 10 Spots Available For April Cohort

Our Guarantee: Lose Your Virginity Or Don't Pay

From: The desk of John Anthony
Re: The only way to lose your virginity in 30 days (or less)...

Dear Virgin,

30 days from today, one of two things will happen...

You'll either be a virgin or you won't.

If you leave this page, you will stay as a virgin...

And if you read on you won't.

Here's what's going on...

There is a little known, simple, but powerful method that is now being used by people just like you to lose their virginity and find their dream girlfriend... in as little as 30 days.

It's the same secret that 500+ other virgins have used to lose their v-card after getting zero results using the information in the Redpill, Blackpill, MGTOW, and other self-improvement communities.

My name is John Anthony and I've slept with over 1,600 girls in the past 16 years.

The reason why I told you this wasn't to brag...

It was the only way I could show my credibility, and dedication and time that I've put in to master the game of dating...

And to separate myself from other "dating guru's" who have sold you lies to keep you stuck...

Because I used to be like you...

I struggled with the same exact thing you're struggling with...

  • I told myself that I'm wasn't good looking enough...
  • There was no good women out there...
  • And I'll approach the next one...

Then made excuses because I didn't know...

  • What to do or say when I talk to her...
  • ​What to text her to set up the date...
  • ​What to do or say when I'm on a date...
  • ​How to take her back to my place...
  • How to escalate it to sex...
  • ​How to please her so it's a good experience for me and her...
  • ​And how to keep her around once we hook up...

It took me 5 years to figure all of this out...

10 years to perfect it.

And once I perfected it, I shared this method to other guys and they got amazing results...

Such as Tavion who blamed his looks and shy personality for his non-existent dating life

But in one week he lost his virginity and then slept with 8 girls in 8 weeks with the First Time Fast Track System...

And Antony who was paralyzed from birth And Walked Around In A Wheelchair...

Because of his disability, he didn't have much experience talking to any girl. Before he accepted his disability as the reason why he would never get laid... 

He invested in the First Time Fast Track system and lost his virginity in just 2 days taking home a stripper from a nightclub all by follow the step-by-step process...

And it's worked for 500+ other virgins that were shy, introverted, and terrified to talk women.

This Is The Only Method Where You Can Lose Your Virginity Without Needing To...

  • Change who you are. You can still be shy and introverted AND sleep with attractive girls if you follow the step-by-step system...
  • Do hundreds of approaches. You will get you my 5-word opener that works for any girl that I've used for the past 16 years...
  • ​​Know what to do or say when you're with a girl. You will get my entire conversational system that shows you exactly what to do and say in every scenario when you're with a girl to build interest and desire...
  • Know what to text. You will get my exact texting scripts from start to finish to set up a date...
  • ​Know how to go on a date and bring her to your place. You get my entire dating system that makes her want to come back to you place.
  • Know how to hook up once she's at your place and have amazing sex. You get the entire step-by-step process once she's back at your place to hooking up with AND how to last long & make her want to come back again...
  • Know how to keep her around. You get my retention system which shows you what to say to make her you girlfriend or a girl you date on the side if you so choose... 

All you need to do is to follow a simple step-by-step process, and in 30 days or less, you can literally meet, date, sleep with a girl and lose your virginity.

This method is so powerful that virgins Have lost their v-card on the first night!

That's because they stopped 'winging-it' and started to rely on a strategy that has been tested and optimized by me and 8000+ of my students during the past 16 years.

And once you do that, all you have to do is follow it to get the result that you want.

And in addition to losing their virginity, this little known "dating method" is actually helping guys find their dream girlfriend and build a harem of hot girls they see on the regular...

Because when you use a system, you get repeatable results. 

When you get repeatable results, you get confidence. 

When you get confidence, you get choice.

And what choice gives you is the freedom to create your dream dating life.

Whether you want to find a girlfriend... a wife... or want to just sleep with a lot of girls...

You can have that once you start using this system.

I call this system the First Time Fast Track

Click to expand the image

It is a systematic approach that helps virgins feel more confident and in control in social situations which allows them go on more successful dates leading them to having a number of sexual experiences.

And what's more is that the First Time Fast Track approach shows you exactly how to:

  • Improve your entire self-image and style
  • ​Redesign your dating profile to get the attention of hotter girls
  • Increase your success in getting phone numbers...
  • Setting up dates...
  • ​Sealing the deal...
  • ​And help you connect with women on a deeper level...

So when you find the perfect girl, you'll know exactly what to do to turn her into your girlfriend or a girl you date on the side.

We achieve this by providing you frameworks and scripts that shows you exactly what to do and say for different dating scenarios... 

...such as how to get matches on dating apps with attractive girls, what to text to set up the date, what to do on the date, and how to seal the deal...

...which reduces your anxiety with women and increases your chance of ultimately losing your v-card.

Which Means You Can Lose Your Virginity Without Knowing How To Approach, Talk To Girls, Go On Dates, Bring Her Back At The House, Or Escalate & Have Sex...

And as a result... you break free from all your self-doubts and start taking control of your dating life where you have the skills to meet, date, and sleep with any girl you want.

Here's How It Works

If You Join Today You Will Get These Bonuses Included

Personal Dating Therapist


Get access to our dating psychotherapist who has over 30+ years of experience helping individuals and couples.

Get a personalized treatment plan with included therapy sessions to overcome your anxietyemotional baggage, and other mental blocks so you can overcome anxiety with women and lose your virginity.

Wardrobe & Complete Makeover


Go from being a virgin to looking like a chad and get your look completely redone.  and get your look completely redone. 

Our GQ Stylist has over 10+ years of experience and has helped hundreds of our clients boost the number of high-quality online dating matches and change how women act around them just by changing their style, wardrobe, and hairstyle.

These Bonuses Expire By {{MMM}} {{D}}, {{YYYY}}

If you Join Today You Will Get These Bonuses Included

14 Days from today, one of two things will happen...

You'll either be a virgin or you wont.

If you leave this page, you will be a virgin and if you read on you wont.

Before you decide, I want you to ask yourself...

How many times has this happened to you?

You saw a pretty girl...

She was looking at you, made eye contact with you...

Deep down, you knew she wanted you...

She was close by, looked at you, basically invited you to say hi...

And you did it again...

You Thought About It, Wanted To Do It, Then...

You had that gnawing feeling in your gut...

The butterflies that made you uncomfortable then...

You started questioning yourself....

What's the perfect thing to say?

What do I talk about?

Does she have a boyfriend?

And just when you convince yourself that you'd go up to her and say hi...

You PUSSY Out...

And that's not the 1st time you did it either...

You've been doing it your entire life...

So something has to change...

Either they're going to start approaching you - which we know isn't going to ever happen...

Or you can start approaching them...

You Know What They Say, You Miss Every Shot You Don’t Take…

And my friend…you’ve missed a whole lot of shots…

A lifetime of missed shots…

And the guys who took the shots, got to go home with them…

Got to date them…

Make them their girlfriends and wives…

And you’re sitting on the sidelines, alone…

With a half cup of courage…

But It Doesn't Have To Be This Way...

My name is John Anthony and not only am I going to fill your cup of courage up...

I'm going to give you the whole bottle...

And then give you the keys to the bar...

Because I know how it feels to be in your shoes my friend...

For 20 Years I Struggled With The Same Exact Thing You're Struggling With...

And the excuse?

I'll approach the next one...

I'm not good looking enough...

There's no good women out there...

Until I turned 22 and realized... the only excuse is me so I decided to do something about it.

And What I Also Realized Was I Could Never Be Those Guys...

The guys who were charismatic, outgoing, and social...

That naturally attracted the hot girls.

I was shy and scared that I would run out of things to say...

Make things awkward...

You know those moment of silence where you both look at each other...

And she says "uhhh okay, well it was nice meeting you"...

Yeah I never wanted to be in that situation again...

So I Decided To Find A Better Way...

A way where it didn't rely on me to think on the spot, be somebody who I'm not, and didn't take much time...

After 16 years of approaching over 15,723 women, I created a systematic approach to dating of what to do and say when you're with a girl...

- What to say as soon as you see her... 
- How to move the conversation forward... 
- How to get her interested and give you her phone number...
- How to set up the date...
- How to go on the date and bring her back to seal the deal...

The systematic approach helped me stop overthinking and allowed me to be in control when I was talking to a girl because I always knew what to do next.

This freed me to be myself and helped me create the relationships I wanted instead of watching on the sidelines, seeing other guys take the girls I wanted...

As a Result, I've Been Able To Date And sleep with models, actresses and the hot girls you see on Instagram...

And today you have the opportunity to becoming the man who has this dating life today.

I call this opportunity the First Time Fast Track.

First Time Fast Track Is The New Way To Feel More Confident & In Control In Social Situations Using Frameworks And Scripts That Show You Exactly What To Do And Say In Every Scenario With A Girl

It is a systematic approach that helps virgins feel more confident and in control in social situations which allows them go on more successful dates leading them to having a number of sexual experiences.

And what's more is that the First Time Fast Track approach shows you exactly how to:

  • Attract and keep the attention of attractive women...
  • Increase your success in getting phone numbers...
  • Setting up dates...
  • ​Sealing the deal...
  • ​And help you connect with women on a deeper level...

So when you find the perfect girl, you'll know exactly what to do to turn her into your girlfriend.

We achieve this by providing you frameworks and scripts that shows you exactly what to do and say for different dating scenarios... 

...such as how to get matches on dating apps with attractive girls, what to text to set up the date, what to do on the date, and how to seal the deal...

...which reduces your anxiety with women and increases your chance of ultimately losing your v-card.

And as a result... you break free from all your self-doubts and start taking control of your dating life where you have the skills to meet, date, and sleep with any girl you want.

That's Why First Time Fast Track Is A Shortcut To Losing Your Virginity In 2023

It's not easy to admit...

But it hurts to be alone. 

It's even harder when you feel like you're missing out on something everyone else is experiencing.

You may feel like you're tried everything... but nothing seems to work.

You may feel like you're destined to be alone forever...

Or you're not good enough for anyone... 

But you're not alone in feeling this way.

The truth is, many men struggle with the same fears and doubts that you do. 

They worry about being rejected, being judged, or being unable to find love.

But here's the thing: 

You don't have to let those fears and doubts control you anymore.

First Time Fast Track is more than a quick get-laid program... 

...It's a system designed to help you gain the confidence, skills, and mindset you need to succeed in the dating world - without needing to approach strangers, become outgoing and social, or act like someone you're not...

...Even if you don't have a big social circle or have a lot of time to date.

Our Guarantee: Lose Your Virginity Or Don't Pay

Only 10 8 Spots Available For April's Cohort

Our Guarantee: Lose Your Virginity Or Don't Pay

But here's the thing: 

This program is not for everyone. 

We only work with guys who are coachable, committed, and willing to follow the system exactly

That's why we require an application process to ensure that we're a good fit for each other.

If you're ready to take control of your dating life, to overcome your fears and insecurities...

...And to finally experience the intimacy and connection you've been longing for, then click the apply now button below. 

Let's talk and see if First Time Fast Track is the right fit for you.


Who is this for?

This is for virgins who wants to struggle with confidence and lack experience in dating and intimacy. 

If you're someone who feels intimidated by women, has social anxiety, or simply lacks the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the dating world, then this program is for you.

What is First Time Fast Track?

First Time Fast Track is a systematic approach to dating that helps tech nerd virgins feel more confident and in control in social situations. 

The program includes flowcharts and if-then frameworks that show you exactly what to do and say for every scenario with a girl. This includes upgrades to your physical appearance, how to get phone numbers from attractive girls, how to text and schedule dates, and how to date and bring her back to your house and how to seal the deal strategies.

I want this, what exactly am I getting?

You're getting instant access to a proven and effective system for overcoming your limitations and achieving success in dating and intimacy. 

This includes frameworks and scripts for different dating scenarios, as well as personalized coaching and support to help you overcome your fears and insecurities. 

With First Time Fast Track, you have the opportunity to break free from your self-doubts and start taking control of your dating life, ultimately leading to more successful dates and sexual experiences.

Do you offer more in depth help?

Yes, we offer an 8-week and 12-month group dating mentorship where we give you continued support and accountability to help you reach your dream dating goals.

We also have bootcamps for in-person live experiences if you want the fast-track to becoming confident approaching women in bars, clubs, streets, and malls

Email for the details
What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him
What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him
What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him
What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him
What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him
What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

What to Text Him

Schedule Your First Time Fast Track
Breakthrough Session

Schedule A Call With Our Dating Coach To See If You're A Good Fit


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